Contact - Tender Beef | HVES - High Voltage Electrical Stimulation



Please contact us

  • The owner of HVES technology is:
    BlueVent air systems Sp. z o.o.
    Płocka Str. 25A
    81-535 Gdynia
    EU VAT Number: PL6311069824
    Regon No. 272981346
    National Court Register (KRS): 0000151779
  • +48 501 708 910



Europe, South America, North America, Australia, Asia:
BlueVent air systems Sp. z o.o.
Płocka Str. 25A, 81-535 Gdynia, Poland
Tel. +48 501 708 910
Become a representative of HVES in your country. Contact us.
HVES representative in Turkey:
Taleres, Piri Reis Mahallesi 286. Sokak
K:04 D:19 Yiğit Apt.
Konak, İzmir, Turkey
Tel. +90 530 5041 825, E-mail:

Higher quality of meat will significantly increase your income. Thanks to a higher percentage of PREMIUM quality meat, 30-50% of meat is sold at a 5-10% higher price.