About us - Tender Beef | HVES - High Voltage Electrical Stimulation

HVES technology
was developed by the best specialists of the Tender Beef team.

High Voltage Electrical Stimulation will allow you to increase your savings and multiply profits.

History of electrical stimulation

The use of electrical stimulation for increasing meat tenderness is not a new idea. Benjamin Franklin remarked in 1749 that:

„Killing turkeys electrically, with the pleasant side effect that it made them uncommonly tender, was the first practical application that had been found for electricity”.

Electrical Stimulation Purpose, Application and Results
– Texas Agricultural Experiment Station


You can improve the quality of your beef!

Igor Gielniak | PRESIDENT

„Where to buy beef?” Color and tenderness of meat are crucial when making decisions by the customer. We can win with competition thanks to better quality. Higher quality of meat will significantly increase your income. Thanks to a higher percentage of PREMIUM quality meat, 30-50% of meat is sold at a 5-10% higher price.